Friday, January 23, 2009


Maybe someone can help me? I have writers block.

I’ve been chirping about this for over a week now. I’ve tried reading, looking for tips online about “how to get out of writers block.”  And nothing. Nada. Zip.

It’s even taken me a few minutes to get this out.

I’ve been asked to write a few guest post – and I’m honoured (yes, I’m Canadian) and flattered that they would want lil’ ol’ me to write something. By the way…Shh… don’t tell them I’m not a writer.

Thing is, I’ve been given two topics and that’s where my problem always seem to be. I can write away about my feelings, my day, my thoughts, I can make lists! I’m great at lists. Steps “How to blah blah in 10 steps!” I’m great at that.

Maybe I’ll specialize in lists and steps, can you do that?

I’ve been able to write a few articles and pieces over the past couple years and they’ve been good. But for some reason I can not get down what I’m thinking on paper. I start typing and words come out, not sentences. It’s beyond frustrating and I DON’T KNOW HOW TO STOP IT.

Can anyone help me with this? 

Sunday, January 18, 2009

Why I think this is a freelancers time to shine.

Companies are being quite cautious with every dollar they spend. They're re-evaluating employees and making cut backs. Hours have been cut and many people are taking salary reductions (rather than losing that salary completely). 

If you're a freelancer, contract worker or looking for part time work - this is your time to shine.
As a freelancer, you're able to offer your experience, your dedication, your commitment without a full time salary. 

If you're an employer - consider this, your company is on a downward spiral and you know that your marketing efforts have to be pumped up. You don't have the budget to hire a full time employee, but you need more help. Freelancers allow you to work with the budget you have and project to project. Your relationship with a freelancer can evolve into an amazing one, your projects are completed and your budget is intact. 

As a freelancer, don't let these troubling times scare you. Take the time to explain the benefits of your services and abilities to work project to project. 

Work still needs to get done - so why can't you be the one to do it?

Saturday, January 17, 2009


A call out to anyone who's interested. I'm working on my first e-book. It's a collaboration of stories and experiences. 

Here's a little clipping from the description I'm forwarding to interested people..

"About this E-Book:

In this book you’ll find people’s opinions, quotes, blogs, articles, published pieces and stories about how Social Networking can and is changing our world.

It will be a light read for anyone interested on how social media is affecting our world and the people in it. This book will show the differences of opinions and how many avenues there are to social networking. It may give studies and experiences or quotes and successes.


This E-Book will be free.


What I’m looking for:

I’m looking for contributors, in any form - Blogs, Articles, Quotes, Studies, Experiences, Testimonials.

It can be humorous, educational or both.  I want to know how you think Social Networking is changing our world.


Who you are:

You may know first hand because it’s affected your life or business.

You may teach social media.

You may have found your dream job through social networking.

You may have lost a job because of it.

You may think that social media is the end of the world, as we know it.

Regardless of who you may be, if you have an interesting opinion, a story, a testimonial, you may have something to contribute to this book.  "

Tuesday, January 13, 2009

Everyone has goals...

I don't necessarily believe in new years resolutions but any excuse to re-evaluate and start fresh, sounds great to me. 
I figured if I put down more literal goals as opposed to "eat healthier & lose weight" I may follow those (I have a tendency to let my resolutions 'slip my mind'). 

So here's what I have so far...

Less time watching TV, more time reading
Develop an idea into a reality 
Complete my ebook 
Launch BOJ (top secret operation :p) 
Appreciate more art
Spend more time in galleries and libraries
Become the entrepreneur I always wanted to be 
Build my clientele
Travel more
Study social media and networks

So far, it's been great. T-353 days until 2010. Let's see how far I get.